Since seeing is believing, I thought it would be fun to show you the before and after of a wooden medicine cabinet I polished up recently.
Here's the "before" picture of the bathroom cabinet I treated. So you can get a better idea of the condition of the wood prior to my using the polish, I took a closeup photo of the bottom shelves.
The white areas are little scratched areas in the wood. Other than these worn areas this cabinet is in excellent condition.
TIME TO POLISH: I broke out my trusty bottle of Old English Scratch Cover for dark wood and poured a small amount to a paper towel. (Note, you need to be very careful not to get this solution on your clothing or carpet because it will stain.) Next, I applied the oiled paper towel to the cabinet, using circular movements to work the oil down into the scratches.
This is a side-by-side comparison. The left side is done and the right side was not yet complete. See the difference?
Here's another before.
And after. Amazing, isn't it?MOVING ON: I then applied a liberal amount to the rest of the cabinet. When I was all done, I simply tossed the paper towel into the trash (do not flush this!) and thoroughly washed my hands. After allowing the oil to sit for a few minutes, I took a clean, soft cloth (aka old white T-shirt gleaned from the rag box in the garage for just such a purpose!) and buffed the remaining oil off of the cabinet. I continued to buff the cabinet until it developed a nice shine. Truly, this cabinet looks almost new, and this whole process took just about 5 minutes total to complete.
WHERE TO FIND THIS PRODUCT: Old English products are available at stores like Target, WalMart, Lowe's, etc. You can also buy it online. It runs anywhere from $4.79 to $5.99 depending on where it's purchased. Since there are coupons for this product (check the Sunday newspapers and the Old English website), I usually only purchase when it is on sale and I have a coupon. Using these techniques, I normally never pay more than $3.75 for an 8 oz. bottle.
Here's the link to the manufacturer for more information and coupons:
And, here's another link to This one provides further testimonies to the magic of this product.
Good luck and happy polishing!
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