Sunday, December 5, 2010

Frugal Seasonal Entertainment and Opportunities

With the holiday season upon us, it can be especially tempting to spend extra money on entertainment for the family.  You know what I'm talking about.  The great new holiday movie at the mall beckons.  There's a fabulous Christmas theatre production that is getting rave reviews.  TSO's latest concert has you salivating.   All are highly entertaining, but they all come with a price tag, and usually a steep one at that.

So, does this mean you just have to be content sitting at home taking in Charlie Brown's Christmas for the umpteenth time?  Nope.  You've got some awesome options available to you, and they are all absolutely free. Read on.  (For the record here, I love Charlie's Brown's Christmas.  We watch it every year. It's my favorite holiday classic!)

To get you started, here are just a few things our family enjoys.  Once you get in the mode of thinking along these lines, you'll find all the information you need to attend such offerings by checking out the websites for local organizations in your area.

CHRISTMAS IN THE PARK:  Like many municipalities, our town sponsors a three-day event called The Illumination of the Veteran's Memorial Park.  The historic log cabin, train caboose, covered bridge, gazebo, and train station are all decorated and open for touring.  Along the pathways are imaginative and enticing holiday displays presented by the local churches and businesses.  This year there were laser light shows, merry-go-round rides, and horse and buggy rides complete with photos in the the Christmas sleigh all free of charge to anyone in attendance. That wasn't all. Patrons were treated to choral concerts presented by the local high school choir, several church choirs, and even some spontaneous carolers!  There was even free popcorn, coffee, and hot chocolate.  The event culminated with the arrival of Santa and Mrs. Claus aboard the town's fire truck on the final evening.  It truly just doesn't get any better than strolling around with those you love in a lightly falling snow, cup of hot chocolate in hand, enjoying sparkling Christmas lights amid the sounds of beautiful seasonal songs.  A great evening out and all absolutely free. 

SPIRITUAL EVENTS. Want to enjoy a musical treat?  How about spending a Sunday afternoon enjoying the chorale cantata presented by an area church?  Or perhaps you would rather attend a play.  Tis the season for great children's programs!  Churches and other spiritual centers typically present a wide array of holiday events ranging from plays and live nativity presentations to special services and holiday dinners.   Such events are usually free or by donation for anyone who wishes to attend. 

REGIONAL PARKS AND RECREATION OFFERINGS.  Check the website for your regional park district for events and programs.  Better yet, asked to be placed on their mailing list.  We receive a quarterly publication from Five Rivers Metroparks in our area that is brimming with great things to attend and enjoy. From educational classes to outdoor exercise, park district events have it all.  Some of the free offerings noted in our Park Guide Winter Edition include winter backpacking excursions, step-by-step nature photography classes, birding workshops, parents and kids nature programs, luminary walks, crafting classes, and even a few cooking classes!  Many of the seasonal events, such as the luminary walks, also include live seasonal music along with holiday snacks to be enjoyed by a woodburning stove inside one of the several inviting nature centers.  These types of events are always among the favorite seasonal activities for our kids.

CONSIDER VOLUNTEERING.  Spend a few hours at your area food pantry sorting donations.  Help pack care packages for our troops overseas.  Take an elderly neighbor to the grocery.  Such activities are not only good for your community, they are also good for your soul.  While you can and should embrace volunteering opportunities throughout the year, they seem especially rewarding during spiritual seasons.  Take your kids along and help them actively learn what it means to treat others as they would wish to be treated.  There is likely no other free activity that packs as much intrinsic reward as volunteering in a way that helps others. 

With a bit of thought, there are a plethora of activities and events your family can enjoy for little or no cost.  We find that these types of events, compared to the pricier options,  are the ones we actually enjoy the most.  I wish you the same.

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